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Deploying an object storage local server in 5 minutes

 Sometimes we need to use object storage, maybe for testing, maybe to perform some demo or to store data. Using Amazon S3 service is an easy solution but it may be an expensive one. When you need to use S3 storage for testing or learning Amazon is a good option, but maybe it is not the best one. You have to pay but if you need to use it only for testing you probably do not need all the features that Amazon (or other services) provide. In these cases deploying your own Object Storage Server could be a great idea. We are going to use MinIO . MinIO is a High Performance Storage solution distributed as Open Source  Although MinIO allows us to do multiple configurations to solve different use cases we are only focus on perform a simple deployment for testing. The easiest way is to use the container image: DockerHub Containers are stateless which means that every change which is made in the container will be lost when the container stops. Stateless is not a good feature for storage s

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